The Action Training Systems Emergency Responder Blog

Top 10 Reasons you know you need our Firefighter or EMS training

Posted by Elise Andreasen on Fri, September 16, 2011 @ 09:12AM


 First Responder Training

Top 10 Reasons you know you need our Firefighter and/or EMS training

10. You’ve been appointed training officer and your Captain just informed you that your budget has been cut in half.

9. You’re responsible to provide quality competency-based training that can be measured and you have no idea where to start.

8. Your students are falling asleep during their online training programs, so you need to engage them with interactive and compelling video.

7. You are bombarded by “affordable training” offers, but none are based on current national standards.

6. Sending your personnel to off-site training is not time or cost effective, so you need a better solution.

5. You would like the training that you buy to be a long-term investment instead of just an annual expense.

4. You want to simultaneously train all the personnel in your jurisdiction but don’t know how to make this goal a reality.

3. You are working on a grant application and need a training quote.

2. You need simulation software that can represent specific hazards of your jurisdiction and want help building it.

1. You would like to implement a new Firefighter training program, EMS training program or Industrial training program,  but don’t know where to start.

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Tags: Fire training, firefighter training, EMS training, Industrial training, fire simulation, vehicle extrication training, Rescue training