Experience ATS Online 

Free Trial of Online Fire & EMS Training Programs


Our online programs are designed to be utilized as instructor directed resources in and out of the classroom. Our EMS training and firefighter training programs are great tools for initial or recurrent training and our online EMS programs have also been approved by CAPCE to receive continuing education credit. 

As a Training Chief of a combination fire department, there has been a long standing issue of getting quality training into the hands of our busy members. Action Training Systems has made training easy to administer and even easier for our members to get the training they need. The online platform allows our members to learn at their pace and at a time that makes it convenient for them. Perhaps best of all, it allows more time spent on learning the hands-on skills needed to be a proficient responder. I highly recommend ATS to any department that is struggling with busy people who want the training, but may not have large blocks of time to sit in a classroom.

Complete the information to the right and you will receive an email containing a username and password to access the ATS Online Learning Platform.

 Demo Includes

  • 14 day trial
  • Interactive course samples
  • Video samples

We look forward to helping you meet your training goals!
2020 Catalog
Online Learner Tutorial
Online Instructor Tutorial
Click Here for Our Pricing Calculator

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Call 800.755.1440 ext. 3 to hear about our new per user pricing model